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Summer Travel Pet Safety Tips

By Dr. Steven

Summer is here, and so is the heat. Here are some reminders and tips to keep your pet safe during summer travel. 

The temperature inside your vehicle can rise almost 20º F in just 10 minutes and almost 30º F in 20 minutes. The longer you wait, the higher it goes. This includes 70-degree days! Cracking your windows has NOT been shown to help reduce the temperature inside your car. We strongly advise leaving your pet at home if you anticipate them being left in the car even for a short amount of time. The situation can become critical within minutes. 

When out, carry fresh water for your pet, find shade, and avoid hot surfaces such as asphalt, as your pet's paws can burn and blister. We recommend exercising during cooler times of the day. Shaving your pet’s fur is not recommended; their fur helps prevent them from overheating and getting sunburnt.  

Older, overweight, and short-nosed pets are at higher risk of overheating. It's crucial to recognize signs of heat stress, such as excessive panting, restlessness, anxiousness, excessive drooling, unsteadiness, collapse, abnormal gum and tongue color, and open-mouth breathing (cat-specific). If you recognize any of these signs or are unsure, it's your responsibility to take your pet to a veterinary emergency hospital as soon as possible.

Keep your pets safe and cool this summer!



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